Replacement Chillicothe Councilman and New Ross County Treasurer Sworn In

Two men appeared in Ross County Courtroom Number Two Monday, but for a good reason. Judge Matt Schmidt swore them in for their new terms as local officeholders.

David Jeffers was sworn in as Ross County treasurer. Though he was elected last fall, state law has him taking office nine months into the year.

He explained that the county auditor and county treasurer are staggered between the general and midterm elections, so that both offices are never filled by first-time officers - and then the treasurer takes office nine months into his year so that the critical first two collections of the year for the county treasury come in under an experienced treasurer.

Jeffers says he feels confident as he takes office September 9th...after his young son and "campaign manager" held the Bible he took his oath upon.

Terrrell Fairrow was appointed by the Ross County Republican Party to fill out the rest of Devon Shoemaker's at-large position in Chillicothe Council. Shoemaker had to resign because of a new job.

Fairrow said he took on the duty because he has a love for the city and wants it to move forward. He is a local real estate agent and graduated from OU-Chillicothe a year ago.

In November, he says he will run for the 4th Ward, like Shoemaker was planning to. Fairrow take his new seat in the session next Monday, August 23rd.

Kevin Coleman reports on local government and culture for iHeart Southern Ohio.

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